Monday 21 March 2016

Techniques Used  is my Pitch

I use PowerPoint presentation to deliver both of my pitches. The made them audience to my pitch well structured and intelligible.

 My written pitch was grammatically correct with attention taken to spelling and punctuation. The mode of address was formal as it audience would be tutors and other members of teaching staff. I used persuasive vocabulary and the use of repetition to influence the audience to approve my idea. I include example of other peoples work of to compare to my idea.

I used PowerPoint slides to enhance my verbal pitch. Each slides had a title and an image to let the audience know exactly what was been talked about. I used sign language and my voice to presentation my pitch, my Communication Support Worker (CSW) voiced over what was been said. I made sure my body language showed that I was confident and fully believed in what I was talking about. I used vocabulary that gave information and motivation.

Both my presentation where structured at an audience of tutors and teaching staff, and because of that I used formal and more complex vocabulary. If my audience were other students or friends I would make the mode of address more informal with some colloquial language.  

Planning for Poster 

This is the planning for my Learning Resource Poster. I have created the image in Photoshop and I am still working on it to improve and enhance it. Each screen shot is number so it shows the sequence of how each effect was created.


Monday 14 March 2016

What is the purpose of a pitch
Verbal and written pitch is important as they allow you to introduce and promote your product/ idea to an audience. A verbal pitch allows you to express yourself not only with word or signs but also with facial expressions and gestures. A written pitch should use a audience to approve of your idea. it should grammatically correct with accurate spelling and punctuation. Both pitches should be well planned and you should fully believe in what you are pitching.

Example of persuasive writing 

Adopting a Pet from the Pound
Owning a pet from the pound or Animal Rescue League has many advantages. First of all, a child feels good about rescuing an abandoned or abused animal and giving it a whole new life. Besides, if the animals from the pound aren’t adopted right away, they might be put to sleep. Having a pet also means lots of responsibilities. A child has to feed, clean up after, brush, and exercise the pet.
Another great advantage of having a pet from the pound is the price of these cute and cuddly animals. Pets from the pound cost only a few dollars while pets at a fancy pet store can cost hundreds of dollars.
Once you adopt a pet from the Animal Rescue League, it will quickly become a part of your family. If you are thinking of adopting a pet, you might consider choosing a dog or a cat. Dogs and cats can bring lots of happy times to a family, and they can be excellent companions for a person who lives alone or someone who has lost a loved one. Dogs are also a wonderful source of protection. Cats are funny, and they may help to calm people down when they are sad or mad.
Please consider adopting an animal. If you remember all of the advantages of adopting a pet from the pound, you might find the bird, mouse, hamster, dog, or cat of your choice.

Example Verbal pitch  

Monday 16 November 2015

Planning for my project

Logistics and Resources 

Logistics is the process of planning, and organizing of a project to make it happen in the most efficient way. 

Resources are the things that will be needed and used to allow a project happen.

Logistics of my work 
The logistics of my project will start from my first initial ideas to the production of the final product, which will be a poster create in Photoshop. 
I will create a Gnat chart that will show times scale and what work I intend to accomplish at that time scale. I will schedule in that I should be prepared to pitch my poster verbally and written by January. Also it will give a me a time scale to learn the new skills I will require to complete my project. 

Example of a Gantt Chart

Excel Gantt Chart

Resources for my work
The resources I will need are first and most importantly my self, to focused, organized and creative. I will need computer hard ware such as the keyboard, monitor, mouse and had drive. The most important software that I will be using is Photoshop.

Laws and regulations 

What are common publishing law issues?
The following are particularly relevant aspects of publishing law that a publishing lawyer can provide assistance and advice on.

  • Commissioning and contract is an important aspect of the publishing process. it is important to obtain specialist legal advice when drafting and negotiating publishing contracts such as author agreements, journal publishing agreements, and electronic distribution agreements.
  • Intellectual property (IP) law (particularly copyright law) is especially important to the publishing industry. it is essential to ensure that not only is your own work protected but also that you are not infringing upon the IP rights of anybody else.
  • Defamation law (particularly libel) is complex and sensitive area of law that arises in relation to statements publishing about others. Where those statements are untrue and relate to the character or reputation of the person, the law provides protection and injunctions and damages can be awarded.
  • Malicious falsehood is a similar action which involves an untrue statement that is made maliciously, and which causes special damage. Whether you have made a defamatory statement about another person or had a statement made about you, specialist defamation lawyers can discuss the circumstances surrounding the statement to advise you of your legal rights and potential culpability.
  • Electronic and internet publishing is a growing area, and publishing law is similarly expanding to deal with electronic rights and e-commerce issues in relation to online publishing regulation.

Monday 5 October 2015

My product in photoshop 

I want to create my product in photoshop. My target audience will be students in Middlesbrough College on Visual Performing Art Courses. 
It would be targeted to both male and female, aged between 16-21. I want to make to totally accessible so that all can use it and benefit from it. I will use 'alt tags' on all text and images. 

Monday 28 September 2015

My idea 

I would like to create something in photoshop of InDesign. It could be a poster or an image to be included in a magazine. I would then like to produce a learning resource that would teach other students or tutor to achieve the same effects.

I could create an image similar to this and I would explain how I achieved all the effects.

Final idea

I have decided to create an A3 poster using Photoshop. I decided to use photoshop rather than InDesign as I am more familiar with photoshop and feel as if I could improve and stretch my skills better. The poster will show the skills I have already learnt in Photoshop and skills and effect that I will learn in future classes.

This poster will be a learning resource, as I will describe exactly how I have achieved the effects on the effects on the and what tools were used. This will tech other students how to replicate the effect on their own work. I will present all the information and technical procedure needed in a PowerPoint presentation. I will be using screen shot for visual representation, and text to support the procedure. I will also include other method that could be used to achieve the same effect and other examples.

I was thinking of creating an image for a magazine but I chose to create a poster as I feel it would give me more artistic freedom as I won't be be tied to the magazine constrains.

Why is Planning and Pitching important?

Planning is an important part of any product. Large and small projects need lots of planning. if a project is poorly planned it may not reach it full potential.
Rushed planning could lead to unnecessary financial cost and wasted man hours. Thorough planning can alert to issues such a total costs and potential pitfalls before you commit the project. The plan should include a fairly accurate time scale for the project.  
It needs to be well planned so everyone involved knows what is expected from them. budgets need to be planned so that money don't run out. everyone needs to be paid.

This is a series on TV where potential entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their idea in order to secure a financial investment from on of the panel.