Monday 21 March 2016

Techniques Used  is my Pitch

I use PowerPoint presentation to deliver both of my pitches. The made them audience to my pitch well structured and intelligible.

 My written pitch was grammatically correct with attention taken to spelling and punctuation. The mode of address was formal as it audience would be tutors and other members of teaching staff. I used persuasive vocabulary and the use of repetition to influence the audience to approve my idea. I include example of other peoples work of to compare to my idea.

I used PowerPoint slides to enhance my verbal pitch. Each slides had a title and an image to let the audience know exactly what was been talked about. I used sign language and my voice to presentation my pitch, my Communication Support Worker (CSW) voiced over what was been said. I made sure my body language showed that I was confident and fully believed in what I was talking about. I used vocabulary that gave information and motivation.

Both my presentation where structured at an audience of tutors and teaching staff, and because of that I used formal and more complex vocabulary. If my audience were other students or friends I would make the mode of address more informal with some colloquial language.  

Planning for Poster 

This is the planning for my Learning Resource Poster. I have created the image in Photoshop and I am still working on it to improve and enhance it. Each screen shot is number so it shows the sequence of how each effect was created.


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