Monday 16 November 2015

Planning for my project

Logistics and Resources 

Logistics is the process of planning, and organizing of a project to make it happen in the most efficient way. 

Resources are the things that will be needed and used to allow a project happen.

Logistics of my work 
The logistics of my project will start from my first initial ideas to the production of the final product, which will be a poster create in Photoshop. 
I will create a Gnat chart that will show times scale and what work I intend to accomplish at that time scale. I will schedule in that I should be prepared to pitch my poster verbally and written by January. Also it will give a me a time scale to learn the new skills I will require to complete my project. 

Example of a Gantt Chart

Excel Gantt Chart

Resources for my work
The resources I will need are first and most importantly my self, to focused, organized and creative. I will need computer hard ware such as the keyboard, monitor, mouse and had drive. The most important software that I will be using is Photoshop.

Laws and regulations 

What are common publishing law issues?
The following are particularly relevant aspects of publishing law that a publishing lawyer can provide assistance and advice on.

  • Commissioning and contract is an important aspect of the publishing process. it is important to obtain specialist legal advice when drafting and negotiating publishing contracts such as author agreements, journal publishing agreements, and electronic distribution agreements.
  • Intellectual property (IP) law (particularly copyright law) is especially important to the publishing industry. it is essential to ensure that not only is your own work protected but also that you are not infringing upon the IP rights of anybody else.
  • Defamation law (particularly libel) is complex and sensitive area of law that arises in relation to statements publishing about others. Where those statements are untrue and relate to the character or reputation of the person, the law provides protection and injunctions and damages can be awarded.
  • Malicious falsehood is a similar action which involves an untrue statement that is made maliciously, and which causes special damage. Whether you have made a defamatory statement about another person or had a statement made about you, specialist defamation lawyers can discuss the circumstances surrounding the statement to advise you of your legal rights and potential culpability.
  • Electronic and internet publishing is a growing area, and publishing law is similarly expanding to deal with electronic rights and e-commerce issues in relation to online publishing regulation.

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