Monday 28 September 2015

My idea 

I would like to create something in photoshop of InDesign. It could be a poster or an image to be included in a magazine. I would then like to produce a learning resource that would teach other students or tutor to achieve the same effects.

I could create an image similar to this and I would explain how I achieved all the effects.

Final idea

I have decided to create an A3 poster using Photoshop. I decided to use photoshop rather than InDesign as I am more familiar with photoshop and feel as if I could improve and stretch my skills better. The poster will show the skills I have already learnt in Photoshop and skills and effect that I will learn in future classes.

This poster will be a learning resource, as I will describe exactly how I have achieved the effects on the effects on the and what tools were used. This will tech other students how to replicate the effect on their own work. I will present all the information and technical procedure needed in a PowerPoint presentation. I will be using screen shot for visual representation, and text to support the procedure. I will also include other method that could be used to achieve the same effect and other examples.

I was thinking of creating an image for a magazine but I chose to create a poster as I feel it would give me more artistic freedom as I won't be be tied to the magazine constrains.

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